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Market Place Simplified: News & Views by Pooja

Image by Sammie Vasquez

September 29, 2020


As a Private Wealth Advisor, as a daughter, as a sister I’ve had some tough conversations this year, addressing fears.  This month, I want to share with you the most common fears I have come across [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla

Five colorful gin tonic cocktails in win

May 7, 2020


"Some days it feels a little bit more like hostage negotiating with a band of drunken bi-polar pirates than actual parenting”.  With Mother’s Day around the corner, for this issue of Market Place Simplified we are providing a glimpse into the lives of some remarkable “Bad Moms” who were kind enough to share their stories with me [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla

Beautiful wedding car with plate JUST MA

February 26, 2020

Wedding Bells

Congratulations, you just got engaged and plan to tie the knot! As you plan your fairy tale wedding, fantasize about your dream home and your adventures together. Somewhere between selecting what flowers best suit your wedding gown and sampling more than your fair share of wedding cake, you momentarily step back to reality to think about finances? [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla


October 26, 2019

October 26th, 2018: The Day I Quit

October 26th, this day one year ago I decided to quit my job and hop on a flight, half way across the world to India.  I remember the emotions I had when I emailed my resignation to my boss at 9:00 AM on my way to the airport, stopped at the traffic light, outside of my office that I came to every day to for a few years.  I was scared, excited, nervous, a jolt of adrenaline was running through me all at the same time as I hit the send button.  My heart was racing, my phone rang - it was my boss. Ex-boss as of five minutes ago. [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla

Image by Helena Lopes

August 24, 2020

2020 - Year of the Mental Health Pandemic

2020 has emotionally scarred many: from grandparents unable to embrace their grandchildren, cancelled weddings, and the first day of school at home in front of an iPad. [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla

Life Insurance

April 17, 2020

Assurance in Time of Uncertainty

In my 15-year career working in the financial industry working with families and businesses, the common theme that connects the people I meet is the lack of contingency planning, as many tend to plan for best case scenarios. [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla

Image by Markus Spiske

December 26, 2019

New Year, New Decade, New Goals!

As of late I have found myself in the middle of many conversations where the topic of financial literacy arises, and the lack of awareness that exist around budgeting and credit, savings and investing, and insurance planning.  As a kick-off to a new decade, “Back to Basics: Financial Planning” seems like an appropriate place to start. [More]


Pooja A. Chawla

Father and Daughter Having Breakfast

June 21, 2020

My Dad

Father’s Day isn’t so much about taking the accolades of a job well done, regardless of how well-deserved, but about giving thanks for the greatest opportunity, a in a child’s life.  Financial assets aside, it is laughter and joy that proves to be life’s greatest currency. [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla

family running through field letting kit

March 24, 2020

Ray of Light in Quarantine

I work in a field where a firm handshake is tied to your integrity and character, and I’m used to hugging the other professional women in my circle.  The past few weeks has seen a separation from these traditions, no longer rubbing elbows on the subway [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla


November 24, 2019

The Call

“911 what’s your Emergency?” Many of us dread having to make the call for a loved one who is struggling for their last breath.  It could be for a spouse, parent, grandparent or god-forbid, a child.  Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy, even when it’s expected, it’s unexpected. 


That’s how I felt when my father passed from medical complications five years ago.  [More...]


Pooja A. Chawla

​All written content on this site is for information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of Samra Wealth Management, A Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC.  All information contained herein is derived from sources deemed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed.  All economic and performance data is historical and not indicative of future results.  All views/opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views/opinions held by Advisory Services Network, LLC. The information and material contained herein is of a general nature and is intended for educational purposes only.  This does not constitute a recommendation or a solicitation or offer of the purchase or sale of securities. Before investing or using any strategy, individuals should consult with their tax, legal, or financial advisor.

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